Graduate student, The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience

Research Interests

Oligodendrocyte myelination and pathology


B.S.    Georgetown University


Selected Publications

Tamboli, I.Y., Heo, D., and Rebeck, G.W. (2014). Extracellular Proteolysis of Apolipoprotein E (apoE) by Secreted Serine Neuronal Protease. PLoS One 9, e93120.

Psachoulia, K., Chamberlain, K.A., Heo, D., Davis, S.E., Paskus, J.D., Nanescu, S.E., Dupree, J.L., Wynn, T.A., and Huang, J.K. (2016). IL4I1 augments CNS remyelination and axonal protection by modulating T cell driven inflammation. Brain 139, 3121–3136.



Department of Neuroscience

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

725 N. Wolfe St., WBSB 1001

Baltimore, MD 21205

Phone: (410) 955-6949

Fax: (410) 955-6942