Lab manager/Sr. Research Specialist, The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience
Research Interests
Navid earned his MD in Iran and moved to the United States in 2021. With a passion for leadership, he completed his first year of postdoctoral research in anesthesiology, focusing on cerebral auto-regulation, before joining our lab as a lab manager. He has a deep interest in lucid dreaming and nonlinear time perception. An impressive memory enthusiast, Navid has memorized over 1,400 digits of Pi and hundreds of pages from medical textbooks. He envisions an approach to therapy by encrypting real memories to create artificial personalized dreams, exploring their potential as a treatment for PTSD.
Contact information
Department of Neuroscience
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
725 N. Wolfe St., WBSB 1001
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: (410) 955-6949
Fax: (410) 955-6942